Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Mom Rode the IndyGo Today, Get Free Passes from Me

Back on the bus today! A little twist to the usual route – In my efforts to spread the word about IndyGo, I traveled north to ride the bus with my mom. That’s right, mom is official on board. Pun intended.

My mom says I’ve inspired her to try the bus, and as many people probably feel, she wanted to “test run” the route. I had an early a.m. appointment in Carmel, so it worked out for us to meet at Meijer and test run the IndyGo Commuter Express (ICE). My mom rode IndyGo back in the day, back in the 1970s. It is not exactly like riding a bike, but you know what I mean.

The ICE is really nice. It is a luxury motor coach. And everyone is really quiet. The ICE was packed with professionals, and I saw a lot of laptops. I don’t see that many laptops on my IndyGo route.

The motorcoach has several TVs, too. I think someone should bring DVDs to watch on the ride. How fun would it be to watch half of Hoosiers on the way to work and then catch the rest on the route home? If you ride ICE, I suggest bringing something to entertain yourself, because the experience isn’t nearly as fun or exciting as regular IndyGo. I’ll be back tomorrow with more exciting city stories.

I was jealous of the ICE route because it is packed with riders. I wish the regular IndyGo routes were that consistently full. They are getting fuller and fuller, which is great. Hopefully everyone reading will talk about IndyGo options, ICE and regular, and consider giving IndyGo a test run, just like my mom did.

If you want to try it and ride IndyGo for free, post a comment to me. At the mass transit meeting last night a representative from IndyGo offered me Clean Air passes to give to people who wanted to try IndyGo free of charge.
I am happy to help you figure out how to try the bus, and maybe we can start riding together. Get on board.


Ellie Cummins said...

Way To Get On Board Elizabeth!

Richard Templeton said...

As soon as I move to Indy, I'll expect free passes! :)