Sunday, June 22, 2008

Strange Stop on IndyGo

Indy Gets Green wrote:

So my Indy Go bus driver pulled over this morning, parked the bus, and took a smoke break. I couldn't make this stuff up...

Just wait for the ride home!

My friends wrote:

You should complain!!! That is ridiculous!
And I think you should blog about this.. .

Ah... tales from the Indy Go... love it! Did you make it on time? I can just see you on there like what the heck is happening... this is not good for the blog sir... :)
A better question... have you looked up Indy Go yet and called to complain? ;)

Holy cow that's funny stuff. All the more reason why you need to start your blog and chronicle your funny stories. How is your second day going?

aaahhhhhaaa! Classic!

Wheeeee! I can't wait for the ride home!!! What I really wish that I could the expression on your face during the cigarette break!! ( tee,hee)

I didn't contact IndyGo to complain. I did find out that bus drivers take breaks if they are ahead of schedule. I have seen a smoke break, a CVS break and a Starbucks run.

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