Friday, July 11, 2008

Friends on IndyGo, Helpful IndyGo Hints

This week has been about making friends on IndyGo. I met a lady who rides about twice a week. Her kids encourage her and the family to go green. The professional dancer who lived in New York for years is used to taking public transportation. I’ve sat next to another lady for two days now, and we just say hello, good morning and have a great day, but I would consider us friends. And my bus stop friend. He gets on the bus at my stop in the morning. He has laughed at me trying to multi-task the bus stop, coffee, breakfast bars, bus pass, lunch box, purse, cell phone and anything else I happen to carry that day. I thought he was really quite, but I asked him one question, and that started the ball rolling. Now we talk.

And for those riders who aren’t my friends (yet), I’ve got some follow up. “Poutfit” lady was in navy yesterday and did not have disc man. “No sleeves, muscle shirt” has started wearing sleeves.

And if you want to make friends on the bus, here is a helpful hint. The front seats are for seniors and people with disabilities. If you are new to the bus (I did this, too), you get on and just sit down as fast as possible because the bus is moving. You sit in the first seats, and unless you are a senior or a person with disabilities, you really should sit in the middle or in the back. I think the back is more fun because the seats are higher and you have a better view of Indianapolis.

More friends and helpful hints to come…

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