Thursday, August 28, 2008

911 at the IndyGo bus stop

911, What’s your location.

I thought the 911 operators asked what’s my emergency. Not the case.

Ohio and Meridian, northeast corner. A man has fallen on the sidewalk and can’t get up. (yes, I said that.) We think he had a seizure.

Are people with him?

Yes, he is surrounded by people, but not medical professionals…

I called 911 today. I was on IndyGo, we stopped at Ohio and Meridian like the other buses, but outside our IndyGo bus, a man fell over. People surrounded him. Other people asked other people what was going on. Nobody was calling 911. I know there are theories about groups of people not taking action because they see other people, and assume someone else will take care of it.

Not on my watch. Not on my bus.

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