Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nine Yards of IndyGo

Some people use their IndyGo bus riding time to listen to music, read the paper or a magazine or just relax. Today, the lady sitting in front of me used her IndyGo time to knit. Knitting needles, yarn, the whole nine yards of it.

When she boarded IndyGo, I immediately noticed her appearance and choice of footwear, and thought, “She looks like a lady who rides the bus to save the planet.” I couldn’t determine what the knitted end product will be; however, I did notice it will feature strategically placed oval holes along a diagonal.

I learned something this week. I shouldn’t judge people by their Birkenstocks, nor by their bus behavior. I had made assumptions about another rider, a young professional man who always listened to his ipod and sits in the first seats, the seats IndyGo labels as reserved for seniors and people with disabilities. I learned that just because you can’t easily see a disability, doesn’t mean someone doesn’t have one.

On a lighter note, I looked out the window today and noticed a dad pushing his baby in a stroller along the Cultural Trail. He looked really happy. That made me smile.

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